2020 August
Character Lessons by Core Essentials
At Charles R. Drew Elementary, we proudly use the Core Essentials Curriculum
to help enhance our students character education.
SAY IT: Each month, the first goal is for students to be able to simply say the Big Idea value word
and the accompanying definition (or description). The first set of ideas, activities, and resources are
all built to help you accomplish this goal.
KNOW IT: The second step each month is for the students to be able to describe the Big Idea value
word and definition in their own words. This goal moves students further toward application of the
value, as they are able to think critically about what it means in their lives.
SEE IT: The third goal is for students to look for this Big Idea in the world around them. This could
mean finding examples in books, in nature, in their peers, or in influential adults. Recognizing the
value in others as it happens moves students even closer to the final goal.
BE IT: As students learn more and more about the Big Idea each month, the final step is to give
them opportunities to live out the value in their own lives.
Just think: if your students can all SAY IT, KNOW IT, SEE IT, and BE IT each month, imagine the
impact on your school and home– behavior, academics, everything!
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If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.